New 360° Narrowband Visualization
New 360° flythrough of a massive star forming cloud as it is being destroyed by newly born massive stars, forming spectacular, high density "pillars", similar to those observed.
Paper 6: Where do binary stars come from?
In which we study the binaries and higher order star systems and check how their properties depend on the cloud the stars are born in.

New 360° Visualization
New 360° flythrough of our ``Anvil of Creation" simulation. This movie let's you freely look around inside a star forming molecular cloud and see jets, radiation, winds and supernovae in action!
Paper 5: What sets the masses of stars?
In which we show that the masses of stars is set by the interplay of magnetic fields, protostellar jets and radiation, in a way that is insensitive to the environment

Paper 4: How does a star cluster form?
In which we show how clusters are assembled through mergers and where mass segregation is coming from.

Paper 3: Star formation with all feedback physics
In which we present the first giant molecular cloud simulation to follow the formation of individual stars and their feedback from jets, radiation, winds, and supernovae.

New Visualization
Here is the latest visualization of the ``Anvil of Creation" simulation, the first simulation with jets, radiation, wind, and supernova feedback in concert. We upgraded our visualization code to allow 3D perspective flythroughs of the cloud. Watch the arxiv for the paper where we break down everything that happens here!
Launch day
Today we are proud to introduce the STARFORGE project, a new initiative to perform the most realistic, high-resolution simulations of star formation to tackle its most fundamental questions.
The effect of jet feedback on the IMF
In which we resolve the IMF in massive GMCs for the first time, and find that jet feedback is crucial for getting the right answer.

Tools of the
We invent a brand new framework for simulating giant molecular clouds and star cluster formation with all kinds of feedback, and find that it works pretty well!

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